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message MsgOversightCommitteeParams {
OversightCommitteeParams params = 1;

message MsgOversightCommitteeParams {
option (cosmos.msg.v1.signer) = "sender";
string sender = 1;
// Params of DGov module to change
OversightCommitteeParams params = 2;

where OversightCommitteeParams are:

message OversightCommitteeParams {
// The period, within the `Oversight Committee` group can act
uint64 grace_period = 1;

Note. This message is responsible for changing the grace period of the Oversight Committee group.


message MsgOversightCommitteeAddr {
string addr = 1;

Note. Such message maybe called only once and needed only for initial setup. The main goal is to create an OversightCommittee group and put here address of the Oversight Committee policy.


message MsgOversightCommitteeVeto {
option (cosmos.msg.v1.signer) = "sender";
string sender = 1;
// Proposal ID that is being voted on
uint64 proposal_id = 2;
// Reason for vetoing. Optional
string reason = 3;

Note. Such message is responsible for rejecting already passed proposal but still within the grace period, during which the Oversight Committee can act.


message MsgOversightCommitteeExec {
option (cosmos.msg.v1.signer) = "sender";
string sender = 1;
// Message to be executed
google.protobuf.Any msg = 2;

Note. Such message is responsible for executing emergency message.


message MsgSetOversightCommitteeDisallowedList {
option (cosmos.msg.v1.signer) = "sender";
string sender = 1;
// List of messages that are disallowed to be executed through MsgOversightCommitteeExec
repeated string disallowed_list = 2;